Mission Statement Of our Organization

Our mission is to “advance women's rights, women's empowerment, gender equality, justice, girl's education, end gender based violence and to sustain development in local communities ”.
To achieve a level of sustainable community development with respect to gender equality, in a context of good governance and decentralization, and where the majority of the population has access to basic social services.
To Promote a better quality of life for communities, notably vulnerable populations (women, youth and children), through their full participation in the development of their communities.
CEFAP-LADIES CIRCLE main objectives

1.To enable communities including women, minorities, PWSNs (Person with special needs) and youth for collective decision making regarding their sustainable and harmonious socio-economic development.

 2.To advocate for Women empowerment through equitable distribution of resources.;
3.To advocate for Women empowerment through equitable distribution of resources. 
4. Inspire women and girls to dare and achieve.

5. End violence against women and girls 
6. Sustain development in local communities with women and girls in the lead for the preservation of our environment and biodiversity while building their resilience and adaptation to the effects of climate change 
7.To build institutional capacity at local level focusing on marginalized and other disadvantaged groups (women, minorities, youth) empowerment for sustainable development.
8.To capacitate the marginalized and socially disadvantaged communities for resilient socio-economic development.
9. Raising awareness for a more just, inclusive, equal and peaceful communities 
10. Be part of the journey to make our earth a better place for all

Our passion : livelihood and social development for all

  1. Women Empowerment & Girls education
  2. Good Governance and Community Development
  3. Emergency Relief
  4. Health
  5. Education
  6. Water & Sanitation.
  7. Shelter
  8. Sustainable Development & Environment
  9. Community Restoration


Atelier interactif

Apprenez avec nos experts.


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Notre organisation s'attèle depuis sa création en 2003 à mener des actions participatives qui répondent aux aspirations des bénéficiaires

"Liveihood And Social Development" project

  1. Cash for work and Food for work
  2. Cash for trainings
  3. Community cash grants
  4. Conditional and unconditional cash grants
  5. Vocational skills training
  6. Poverty graduation
  7. Community physical infrastructure schemes

Gender and Poverty Poverty is ‘gendered’ because women and men experience poverty differently – and unequally – and become poor through different, though related, processes. Women, who are the caregivers and primary influencers of the next generation, are facing the greatest hardships. CEFAP-LADIES CIRCLE is aimed at empowerment of Women, Children, differently able and disadvantaged section of the society through dialogue, pro-active interventions and coalition building by developing linkages with local CBOs and grass root organizations. But women are also uniting to empower each other, fight poverty, and end inequality. Women fall into poverty more easily and more frequently than men. They constitute majority of the people living in poverty. Ending discrimination against women and girls and promoting gender equality were critical for poverty eradication for our organization. And every step to improve the lives and social standing of women has ripple effects on health care, education, and economic development throughout the poorer communities. CEFAP-LADIES CIRCLE  is helping girls to complete their education and is employing women as teachers. It is due to efforts of CEFAP-LADIES CIRCLE and such firms that literacy rates for women, women’s political participation, maternal health is improving in local communities with rapid growth. Our organization seeks to provide social development, primarily in low-income localities, by investing in relief and rehabilitation, health, education, poverty alleviation, income generation skills, human resource and rural development. We has adopted the holistic interpretation of health, which goes beyond medical/curative models and includes Health promotion, advocacy, research, training, community involvement and outreach services, poverty issues and education. All Programs are implemented through different projects which are Community based and community driven. We have conducted Capacity Building Trainings, awareness-raising sessions; vocational training; capacity building of parents, teachers, health care providers.


Empowering women and young girls in rural areas with sustainable livelihoods 

Notre Conférence annuelle sur le leadership et l'entreprenariat féminin 

Nous chantons l'hymne de la femme

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Une plate-forme annuelle de trois (03) jours avec des experts, femmes leaders/entrepreneuses inspirantes et de nombreux participants issues de toutes les couches sociales qui viennent donner et recevoir. Séances plénières - Ateliers thématiques - Formations pratiques à la carte  - Market place (foire-exposition) - Visites de terrain... Tous les ingrédients pour booster l'entrepreneuriat et le leadership des femmes au Cameroun, en Afrique et dans monde.  
Prochaine édition en 2024
Qui peut participer ? tout le monde                          Contactez-nous : [email protected]

Testimony of our Coordinator on violence against women and girls in Cameroon

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Water and Pads for School-Girls Empowerment for Life!

Goals of the IAW Project


  all barriers which prevent girls from attending school during their menstrual cycle in the African and Asian

  region, with special regard to IAW-member countries


- provision of washable and reusable sanitary pads, if possible produced in a local project,

- health education, particularly addressing the taboo aspects,

- self-confidence of girls about womanhood and the knowledge about equality of men and women,

- knowledge about the full sexual and reproductive health rights of girls in particular in rural areas,

- alertness about the precarious situation at the local, national and international level.

How to reach the goals

- promoting the dissemination of the full sexual and reproductive rights of girls and women through the

  media channels on the national and international level,

- addressing in particular the education and the management of menstruation hygiene of schoolgirls,

- sensitizing students against unwanted pregnancies,

- strengthening networking on the regional, national and international level.

Water and Pads for School-Girls Empowerment for Life! 


The creation of a shelter for victims of GBV is one of the responses to various mistreatment suffered by survivors of gender-based violence. They are sometimes rejected by their families and have no shelter. The victims will be accommodated for a period of at least three months. 

The private initiative of our organization will support the government in its actions for the protection of Cameroonian women and girls.

Our shelter  will have a competent staff to receive victims. They will be able to speak with  a social worker and a psychologist. A specialized educator will take care of their children. A housekeeper for collective life and a 24-hour site security service, as well as an action coordinator ensure the maintenance of the premises.

Proposed services:
Accommodation for women/young girls  with or without child(ren) without age limit (interview if accommodation request)
Permanent psychological support and social permanence for anyone affected by the problem of domestic and family violence - Consultation and follow-up by appointment (make an appointment by telephone)